Back in July of 2012 if you had told me that in 5 years I would be an entrepreneur in the health and fitness industry I would have laughed you under the table….all while I was wearing my size 3x tank top, smoking a Salem Slim Light 100 and drinking a Diet Coke.
That year was a turning point. The youngest daughter graduated high school and my husband and myself had graduated to being almost openly hostile room mates instead of having any semblance of a marriage. I was completely disillusioned with my life and hated myself. My attitude alone was enough to make others around me miserable. Something had to change. Thankfully, I did.
Now, 5 years later, all 3 of our kids have finally graduated high school and are adulting all on their own, the hubs and I have reconciled, I quit smoking and lost over 150lbs and am I am currently offering to the public my 12 Week Habit Based Group Coaching Program called Empowering Life Group Coaching
This may be group coaching but it is not your usual group coaching. The group part is the accountability, support, and community we all need when attempting change and often do not get from family and friends who are not on board. The group is also for motivation when motivation is low, because lets face it, sometimes it is not there at all. The coaching is pretty darn individualized to whatever YOUR goal is, not what someone else thinks you should be doing. Registration is also limited due to the amount of time I will be spending with each individual in the group so ENROLL NOW while there are spots open
Not going to lie, when I began my lifestyle change it was a long hard road…until I learned a few Life Lessons. I did not have a clue what the fuck I was doing. I made lots of mistakes, but I made some good decisions as well. Good shit at the lessons I learned. Today I would like to share with you 5 of the most important ones that took me a while to finally get.
- If we want to change our life, then we have to be willing to change. We have to recognize that in order to make any kind of significant change in our lives we are going to have to do something completely different. After all, we are not happy with the way things are currently going, so why would we think that what we are currently doing is going to work if it is not right now?
- We have to make it a priority. I cannot tell you how many times I have spoken to potential clients that tell me they want to change and are willing to change, but then turn around and say they do not even have 2o minutes to get in a workout, neither are they willing to try some new recipes for whatever reason. When something is important to us, we find the time and a way somehow. It can be as easy as cutting out one 30 minutes of television 2-3 times a week or roasting the sliced potatoes instead of frying them. Ordering veggies instead of fries when we eat out most of the time. Or just slowing down our eating.
- We have to do the work. Anything worth having is worth working for. I’m not going to lie to you. Having a fit and healthy life is work. Just like having a healthy relationship is work. While sure there are pills and shots and diets and surgeries that can help us lose weight, what the fuck do we do after the pills and shots have been taken, when the diet is over and after the surgery? If we do not have healthy habits already in place then we will go right back to where we were before. I know first hand. It happened to me over and over.
- We have to learn patience There is no quick fix. It took me almost 2 years to lose over 150lbs. and closer to 3 years to learn to be happy with who I am and to love myself. I am still working on valuing myself and putting myself first so that I can be sure to give others my best when they need me. If we are looking for weight loss, we have to remember we did not put the weight on in just a few weeks, so why would we think we would be able to get it off in a few weeks….at least not without some serious consequences. If we are looking for healthier mind, body and spirit altogether, we have to remember that we have our entire lifetime of lessons and habits that we have to be able to slowly wean ourselves off of. If we do not go slowly and replace old thought patterns and habits with newer healthier ones, then we will certainly go right back to where we started from.
- Do not focus on end results. Things never end up the way we think they will. For a long time I thought everything would be great and I would be happy when I lost all the weight and I looked good again. WRONG. I was still unhappy. I was so focused on just losing the weight, that I forgot to live life and enjoy it. I forgot that life is actually an adventure and we need to appreciate and enjoy each and every moment for what it is worth right now.
If you are interested in beginning the process to creating a lifestyle you love without food restrictions, or having to spend hours a day in the gym (unless you want to). ENROLL HERE.
There is going to be a private fb group, weekly educational videos and/or emails on nutrition, mindset and exercise, group accountability as well as free workouts, healthy weight loss friendly recipes, and lots of other tools tips and insights from my personal and ongoing journey. It is going to be GREAT!
While my Free #LifeLessons group that recently ended was a lot of fun and lots of lessons were learned, only the tip of the iceberg was touched and only generally. With Empowering Life Group Coaching you get all the benefits of 1 on 1 coaching for the cost of group coaching as well as the extra benefits you get with group coaching. It is a win win situation for you. Enrollment closes Sunday night September 1oth and we start Monday September 11th so do not dawdle and go Register Now. As an added bonus, I am offering 2 extra coaching calls to anyone who enrolls by midnight Thursday September 7th. A value of $100 for FREE
What are you waiting for? Let’s get started on ending the diet roller coaster and the binge and restrict cycle or the punishing workouts and guilty feelings for getting off plan.