Water is an important part of our life.
We can survive without food for prolonged periods of time but not so much without water.
There are all sorts of conflicting ideas and theories out there about water and it is easy to get so caught up in what "everyone" is saying or doing that you can get lost in the details.
So what is true and what is not?
I have a few things listed below.
Drinking water first thing in the morning is essential for re-hydration..
You really eat that crap?
Hahaha, I get the question in the title a LOT. Yes, I really eat that. That really was my breakfast one day last week. I do not eat things like this all the time of course, but on occasion, yes I eat McDonald's food. It is not bad, it is not good. It is food. I also had a big ass ass salad for lunch, veggies and cheese for snacks, a small ass salad, some veggies and a steak for supper that night. Oh and a a sip of everyone's mixed drinks to!
Food is not inherently bad or good. The wor...
Bulky or Not? You decide.
I wanna get bulky!...said no woman ever…..at least not any of the women I know.
I wanna get bulky!...said no woman ever…..at least not any of the women I know.
What I usually hear when I encourage my clients or friends or family to strength train is more along the lines of “I don’t want to get bulky, I just want to get toned”, or “I want long lean muscles not big fat ones” I even get those who say I don’t want muscles, I just want to lose weight and l...
Don’t limit yourself
We limit ourselves when we adopt specific identities, and then believe that this is truly who we are and must be.
H.H. the Karmapa
This quote touches a very sensitive place in me. So many of us have spent years thinking ourselves to be something we are not just because someone has told us that is how we are or how we are supposed to be and we believed them.
Some of us continue to believe these stories we are told because we may not realize that in all actuality we are the onl...
Hello, everyone!
This is my first post. I have a lot more to say, but right now I'll leave you with Han and Leia.
Aren't they wonderful?