No Earn It or Burn It this Thanksgiving

As a healthy lifestyle coach and a lover of many different forms of exercise and movement, I follow a lot of gyms and fitness professionals online.  Lately, with the holidays coming up, I have seen a quite a few posts that make me sometimes cringe, due to the use of fear as a tactic for getting clients or new members. Ugh!  That is just so wrong in my book. The last couple of weeks my newsfeed had been filled with posts, challenges, and memes about burning off the turkey or showing infograph...

What is this Mindful Eating stuff I keep talking about?

What is this Mindful Eating Stuff? Toa Heftiba I get that question above a LOT. So, since I do get that question so much I figured I would give a brief overview of it…or as brief as my long winded rambling self can be.  But, before we get into mindful eating, we need to understand what being mindful is.  Being mindful is being fully aware and being completely in the current moment without judgement.  All your attention is on what is going on right now instead of wishing something was...

Bubble Butts, Boulder Shoulders & Quadzillas…Oh My

I find it absolutely hilarious that one of the most popular posts and one that reached more people on my Facebook Page than any other thing I have posted over the last 9 months has been a post about my ass! Seriously!  Check it out.  I did a brag post on Facebook about my ass just because it was really looking mighty fine that day.  I had not even worked out yet and that baby was just as perky as could be. Yep, Baby Got Back! :)  Click the pic and it will take you to a larger image where y...

When In doubt, journal it out…then get rid of it

Keeping a journal is good for you right?  Isn't that what most people tell you?  Well, it turns out, if you are not careful, it actually could be not soo good after all.  This is something I found out the hard way. numerous times over the last several weeks, I have had conversations with clients, friends and family about keeping a journal.  It has happened so much, that I had a FaceBook Live in a coaching group, have sent out an email to my newsletter list about it and now thi...

Embracing Fear…I don’t want to be fearless

Lately I have seen a lot of people talking about fear.  About being fearless or getting rid of fear. Fear is something I have lived with for many years.  For almost half of my life I have been afraid of almost everything. I do not remember having this kind of fear when I was in grade school, high school and college.  I do remember being timid in some ways and having doubts and uncertainties about myself due to my weight issues and how it was constantly being thrown in my fac...