What is this Mindful Eating Stuff?
Toa Heftiba
I get that question above a LOT.
So, since I do get that question so much I figured I would give a brief overview of it…or as brief as my long winded rambling self can be. But, before we get into mindful eating, we need to understand what being mindful is. Being mindful is being fully aware and being completely in the current moment without judgement. All your attention is on what is going on right now instead of wishing something was...
fast food
Choose Half-assed over Perfect!
It's my monthly training weekend which means I was on the road for a fast food a good bit again. Sometimes I grab something to eat while driving, sometimes I grab something at a store, and on occasion like this Saturday I eat in at the restaurant. (I needed the wifi)
I know it's hard to believe but you can get a halfway healthy breakfast at McDonald's and many other places if you really put your mind to it...and the grill master cooperates.
At McDonald's I usually try to order a piece of ...
You really eat that crap?
Hahaha, I get the question in the title a LOT. Yes, I really eat that. That really was my breakfast one day last week. I do not eat things like this all the time of course, but on occasion, yes I eat McDonald's food. It is not bad, it is not good. It is food. I also had a big ass ass salad for lunch, veggies and cheese for snacks, a small ass salad, some veggies and a steak for supper that night. Oh and a a sip of everyone's mixed drinks to!
Food is not inherently bad or good. The wor...