Embracing Fear…I don’t want to be fearless

Lately I have seen a lot of people talking about fear.  About being fearless or getting rid of fear. Fear is something I have lived with for many years.  For almost half of my life I have been afraid of almost everything. I do not remember having this kind of fear when I was younger...like in grade school, high school and college.  I do remember being timid in some ways and having doubts and uncertainties about myself due to my weight issues and how it was constantly being thrown in my fac...

Living a Life of Excellence

Do you want to live a life of excellence?  I know I sure do.  So how the heck do we live a life of excellence you ask?  Well, here is a quote I found that pretty much sums it up. “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation: we not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather have these because we have acted rightly; these virtues are formed in man by doing his actions; we are we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”  – Will Durant, The Story of...

5 Lessons I learned losing weight, getting fit and healthy

Back in July of 2012 if you had told me that in 5 years I would be an entrepreneur in the health and fitness industry I would have laughed you under the table....all while I was wearing my size 3x tank top, smoking a Salem Slim Light 100 and drinking a Diet Coke. That year was a turning point.  The youngest daughter graduated high school and my husband and myself had graduated to being almost openly hostile room mates instead of having any semblance of a marriage.  I was completely disillusio...

#OwnYourShit – Me taking responsibility for my actions

This is an #OwnYourShit post.  Me taking responsibility and accepting the consequences of my own actions with no blame, guilt or shame and sharing my experience with you so that you can know it it is not just you.  Shit like this happens to us all and we are not alone. These last couple of months I have NOT been practicing what I preach, and now have to pay the consequences. I tell my clients... and everyone else because I'm just bossy like that, their top 5 priorities for both weight loss and...

Finding My Life’s Purpose

When your love what you do, you will never work another day in your life.   I never really understood how true that quote was until a few short years ago.  I spent a lot of years doing things I was good at for my job instead of doing the things I loved and it was not until I was in my 40's that I realized it and decided to go on a completely different path.  Can we say scared AF? It's actually kind of funny how I got started in the fitness industry and it is a story that has plenty of twi...