What is this Mindful Eating stuff I keep talking about?

What is this Mindful Eating Stuff? Toa Heftiba I get that question above a LOT. So, since I do get that question so much I figured I would give a brief overview of it…or as brief as my long winded rambling self can be.  But, before we get into mindful eating, we need to understand what being mindful is.  Being mindful is being fully aware and being completely in the current moment without judgement.  All your attention is on what is going on right now instead of wishing something was...

Emotional eating signs, triggers, and tools to help

While emotional eating may not be one of the 4 diagnoses of eating disorders according to the American Psychiatric Association's Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published in 2013, it is definitely disordered eating.  If you are interested in reading more about the eating disorders, The National Eating Disorders Association has an informative article about them and the Psychology Today website has an Eating Disorders and Emotional Eating Test th...

Half the Woman I used to be….and yet soooo much MORE!

I am half the size I used to be....well actually less than half, and yet I am also sooo much more than I used to be.  In the photo on the left was May of 2012 when I was wearing size 26 shorts...and those shorts were so tight I needed to be in a 28. The photo in the center is when I was at my smallest in Dec of 2014 at a size 6-8.  The photo on the right is me this 2nd week in May 2017 in one leg of the same shorts from the photo on the right.  I am currently comfortably in a size 10.  My size k...

Thankful Thursday – Mindset Shift

I started doing a Thankful Thursday post a few weeks ago on Facebook  but this week it is a bit more vulnerable and I thought I might actually begin doing my TTs as a Blog Post so that I could go back and reflect on them easier than scrolling through FB. Usually I have soo many things to be thankful for that I usually have a difficult time deciding on what to share.  This week though, I know what I want to share, but the difficult part is actually putting myself out in front of everyone a...